Tuesday, July 28, 2009

San Antonio Circle Meeting - July 18

The San Antonio Circle Meeting in July was enjoyed by Laurie Brainerd, Susan Mayfield, Lynne Allen, Allison Brown-Cestero and Vou Best, hostess. Laurie led a discussion of conference activities. Vou shared fabric books of designer samples. Everyone brought Show & Tell. Lunch of ham croissants and the tasty salads each brought. The meal was ended with a cool grapefruit ice Lynne provided. After lunch everyone dipped into the pool enjoying the water, sun and sharing of more ideas. An informal, inspiring time for all on a hot summer day.

--Vou Best

1 comment:

Pam Lowe said...

Mary Ann, i seem to have fallen off this email list. Can I get back on? thanks! Pam Lowe