2016 Meeting Dates

Mark your calendar now for these meeting dates

Members and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend
meetings in any area of the state!

Central Texas Circle 
Meets the 2nd Saturday of every other month beginning in January.
January 9, March 12 (cancelled), May 14, July 9 July 23, September 10, and November 12. 

Time, location and program are announced 

Houston Circle 
Meets the the 2nd Saturday of every other month beginning in January.
January 9, March 12, May 14, July 9, September 10, and November 12

St. Philip Presbyterian Church 
4807 San Felipe (near Loop 610) in Houston
 10:30 am to 1:30 pm

North Texas Circle 
Will meet January 16, April 16, August 20, and November 12 

Petite Atelier
2952 Commerce St. in Dallas
Meetings begin at 10 am.

West Texas Caprock Art Quilters Circle 
Will meet February 13, May 14, August 13, and November 12

Red Barn Retreat Center
18311 County Road 1640 in Wolfforth
9 am Workshop
Noon Lunch
1 pm Meeting & Program

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