Thursday, July 16, 2009

WELCOME to the SAQA-Texas Blog

Welcome to the the blog for Texas Region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates). Through this blog, we will be sharing information about SAQA meetings and other art quilt related events throughout the Texas.

Laurie Brainerd and Mary Ann Littlejohn are the administrators of the blog. Any news or information item you would like to have posted, should be sent by email to the address in the sidebar.

All of your websites/blogs we have knowledge of have been listed in the sidebar. You can check out what your favorite or new artists are doing. If you have any additions or changes, please email one of us.

This blog will be as interesting or exciting as the information you provide for us to post. We welcome your comments on messages also.

You will notice in the upper right there is a link to subscribe to email notification when new content is published. We hope you will come back often to see what's new.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so very much for pulling this together. It will really make the organizational aspects of our widespread group much more manageable. I suppose we can upload photos and maps etc?

thanks again. Maryann Stewart

Fannie said...

Hi, Mary Ann~

Thanks so much for setting up this blog. Excellent idea. I look forward to meeting you.

Dawn said...

This is a great idea. I will be checking back often.

- Dawn

EmandaJ said...

Great Idea! I'llc heck in often, and I'mlooking forwars to Dallas'September Meeting.

Emanda Johnson

Lisa said...

Thanks for taking the time to do this!