Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TMFA - Call for Entry


Y'all Come!

TMFA is proud to announce its 2011 Call for Entries. The theme this year is "Texas by the Yard and Yarn - Texas a Fabrication."

Texas' finest fiber arts have been exhibited in the past four years. This year promises to be the best ever in displaying Texas' resources and talent.

We're excited about your participation in the exhibit located in a prominent downtown Austin venue.

Regardless of the rompin' deadline, there ain't nothin' Texas artists can't do when called to rise to the challenge. So take off them spurs and that ten-gallon and get stitchin'.

Enter artwork(s) for the theme prize and/or the non-theme prizes.  Please click application for the entry form and other important information.

Ya'll come to the awards party and the exhibit!

Carol Ikard

Texas Museum of Fiber Arts
3806 Bailey, #2
Austin, Texas 78759


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SAQA Benefit Auction 2011

The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.  You may view all the quilts online and pick your favorites.   Each quilt is 12" square, unless noted otherwise.


Hall - Gentle Eddy 

Leslie A. Hall
Gentle Eddy

Fitzsimmons -  Candyland 
Tommy Fitzsimmons

Engstrom - Yucca Blossom

Linda Engstrom*
Yucca Blossom

Beckmann -  Cool Summer Graphic Garden

Christi Beckmann***
Cool Summer Graphic Garden
(10.5 x 10.5 inches)

Myers - Leftovers 2

Janet Meyers
Leftovers #2

Muir - Carbon Storage

Alison Muir
Carbon Storage

This year's Auction will begin on Monday, September 12th at 2:00 pm Eastern and conclude on Sunday, October 2 at 2:00 pm Eastern. Price points will again be: $750, $550, $350, $250, $150 and $75. 

How the Auction Works


Monday, July 4, 2011

Member Info

We will be creating a blog page for sharing the teaching schedules of our members. Please let one of the reps know about any classes (live or online) you are teaching!

Is there a volunteer interested in helping us as a "link-checker"? Please email Kathy if you have a little spare time to periodically check the member blog, resource, and other links given on this site.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth!