Thursday, September 30, 2010

IQF-Houston: Meet and Greet

If you're going to IQF-Houston, please meet your fellow SAQA members in the SAQA exhibition space on Thursday evening at 5:00 for a meet-and-greet get-together.

If you will be in Houston and have a piece in either "Sightlines" or "Creative Force 2010," please let Martha Sielman know (  She will be organizing gallery walks on Friday and Saturday at 10:30 and would like to have you be a part of one or both and to speak about your work.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SAQA/SDA Joint Meeting rescheduled

The state-wide Surface Design Associates (SDA) meeting on October 16 at Jane Dunnewold’s studio in San Antonio has been reset and rescheduled due to illness in Jane’s family.
Mary Ruth Smith has offered to host the SDA meeting in WACO:
Saturday, October 23
1:00-3:00 pm
Lewis Art Building – Rm. 151
Baylor University
SAQA members (statewide) are invited to attend along with SDA.  Among other things, we want to talk about more synergy with the two groups.
* * * * *
If you are wondering what to do in Waco before and after the meeting, here are some exhibitions you might want to view.
The Martin Museum of Art (located in the Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center)":
1.  " Soliloquies" paintings by Japanese painter, Makoto Fujimura.  His paintings are influenced by the 17th Century  decorative screen tradition called Rimpa.
2.  Photographs by Dornith Doherty, a contemporary photographer and Professor of Art at UNT.
Across University Parks Drive from the Hooper Schaefer Fine Arts Center is the Mayborn Museum Complex.  Featured is the "Sacred Texts, Holy Images: Rouault's Miserere and Chagall's Bible Series Exhibit.
Waco has a new commercial fine arts gallery. The Croft Art Gallery.  The exhibition for October will feature the beaded constructions by Leah Force, a Lecturer of Art at Baylor and sculpture pieces by Chuck Jobe, an art studio technician at Baylor.  Leah's intricate pieces are akin to Mary Ruth Smith's French knotted pieces.  They are heavily beaded with very tiny seed bead, each appearing to be a stitched knot.   Mary Ruth will see if Leah could do a talk about her work at the Gallery after the meeting.
Patrick Dougherty, "stick artist" , will be in Waco in October installing 3 sick weavings along the Brazos River in Cameron Park. Google his name and view his amazing work.

Monday, September 27, 2010

2nd Phase of SAQA Benefit Auction Opens Today

We’ve raised $15,650 for SAQA so far.

Fitzsimmons - You’re a Square Gilbert - Winter Mood Pollock - Petal Study

Tommy Fitzsimmons
You’re a Square

Monique Gilbert-Oversteyns
Winter Mood

Jeri C. Pollock
Petal Study

Phase 2 of the Auction pieces will begin Monday, September 27th at 1:00 PM Central.

Opening bid price is $750

Page 2a -
Page 2b -

Monday, September 20, 2010

Member News: October

PAM LOWE has a solo show coming up at
Uptown Blanco Art Center
October 1 thru 31, 2010
The opening reception is Fri Oct 1st  5-7 pm
It sure would be nice to see some local SAQA members there.

PamLowe_blanco ad

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slideshow of ALL 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction Quilts

Kate Themel, Connecticut Region Co-Rep, has put together a slideshow of ALL the 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction quilts, complete with the names of the artists.  Thank you Kate.  Pick out your favorites and be ready when the auction starts at 2:00pm Eastern Time tomorrow, September 20.

The auction this week will be the quilts on page 1a and 1b with the opening bid tomorrow at $750.  The bid price will decrease each day for the remaining pieces.

SAQA-TX @Houston 2010

Thank all you Texas quilters who are sending mini-quilts for the SAQA Booth at Houston.  We now have about 45 coming, which should make a great exhibit.  We will only have the flat wall behind the booth this year to hang things them on.  After we fill the wall, we will trade out quilts daily so that they are all shown.

If you didn’t get or can’t find the Guidelines and Shipping Instructions, they have been posted to SAQA-Texas Regional Page

Friday, September 17, 2010

How the auction and bidding form work

To help you get ready to bid in SAQA's 2010 Benefit Auction starting September 20th:
the bidding form has been posted, so that you can see how the Auction works. The form will go live on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 PM Eastern.
Only the pieces on page 1a and 1b will be available for bidding on the 20th. The opening bid price will be $750.
Kicklighter - A Balancing Act Patricia S. Kicklighter
Clover - Urban Notes II        Jetta Clover

Monday, September 6, 2010

2010 SAQA Benefit Auction - Starts September 20th

Anna HergertKeeney_PegTanya Brown-PaisleyFish

Over 280 pieces have been donated to the 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction.  The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.  SAQA's Benefit Auction is our biggest fundraiser.  Last year we had donations from 235 members and raised $47,325!!!
This year's Auction will begin on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 Eastern.  Price points will again be: $750, $550, $350, $250, $150 and $75.  Unsold work will be placed on the SAQA website for a month and then returned to the artist.

I’ve selected a few of my favorites to whet your appetite.

Diane Marie Chaudiere MarthaWolfe_Hollyhocks at the Santa Fe Museum of Art     Grisdela

Saturday, September 4, 2010

SAQA Booth @ IQF Houston Volunteers

2010 IQF Logo Volunteers are needed for the SAQA booth at Festival in Houston.  Can you spare an hour or two?  Please check your schedule and join us.  It is a great time to meet members and network.

We need at least two people in the booth at all time slots.  The times that are empty or thin are highlighted in blue.   Let's work together to have a great representation of members working the booth at Festival! 

If you work a 2-hour shift, you will get in the show free on the day you work and working 6 hours will entitle you to early registration next year!  So, email Mary Ann at ASAP to get the shift or shifts that you desire. 


Friday, September 3, 2010

Houston Deadline Approaches: 9/15/2010

It isn't too late!

Let Mary Ann Littlejohn know no later than September 15th if you will be submitting a 9" x 12" for the SAQA Booth in Houston .

More info here:

and here: