The state-wide
Surface Design Associates (SDA) meeting on October 16 at Jane Dunnewold’s studio in San Antonio has been reset and rescheduled due to illness in Jane’s family.
Mary Ruth Smith has offered to host the SDA meeting in WACO:
Saturday, October 23
1:00-3:00 pm
Lewis Art Building – Rm. 151
Baylor University
SAQA members (statewide) are invited to attend along with SDA. Among other things, we want to talk about more synergy with the two groups.
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If you are wondering what to do in Waco before and after the meeting, here are some exhibitions you might want to view.
The Martin Museum of Art (located in the Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center)":
1. " Soliloquies" paintings by Japanese painter, Makoto Fujimura. His paintings are influenced by the 17th Century decorative screen tradition called Rimpa.
2. Photographs by Dornith Doherty, a contemporary photographer and Professor of Art at UNT.
Across University Parks Drive from the Hooper Schaefer Fine Arts Center is the Mayborn Museum Complex. Featured is the "Sacred Texts, Holy Images: Rouault's Miserere and Chagall's Bible Series Exhibit.
Waco has a new commercial fine arts gallery. The Croft Art Gallery. The exhibition for October will feature the beaded constructions by Leah Force, a Lecturer of Art at Baylor and sculpture pieces by Chuck Jobe, an art studio technician at Baylor. Leah's intricate pieces are akin to Mary Ruth Smith's French knotted pieces. They are heavily beaded with very tiny seed bead, each appearing to be a stitched knot. Mary Ruth will see if Leah could do a talk about her work at the Gallery after the meeting.
Patrick Dougherty, "stick artist" , will be in Waco in October installing 3 sick weavings along the Brazos River in Cameron Park. Google his name and view his amazing work.