Tuesday, July 27, 2010

North TX Gathering

Save the Date! North TX members of SAQA will be gathering on Saturday, August 21, 2010. More details to come on the SAQA Members' Wiki. Guests are welcome! Please contact a co-rep for additional information.

Also, please note the new link for the SAQA North TX Google Group. We're giving these tools a try for conversations, planning, and general discussion... so come on over.

Update: We will be gathering from 10am to 2pm.

Friday, July 23, 2010

SAQA-Tx at IQF Long Beach

Many Texas members are represented at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach this month.


Treasured Waters is one of the quilts featured on IQF Festival at Home Beneath The Surface special exhibit

Ruby In The Emerald Forest is part of West Coast Wonders special exhibit and can also be seen on IQF Festival at Home

SAQA's Benefit Auction 2010

A big thank you to all our members who contributed pieces to the auction!

Kathy York, “Safe Home”

clip_image004Deborah Boschert, “Possibilities

If you weren't able to send in a piece, you can still contribute in another way:

Send out announcements about the auction to everyone on your email list - now, and then a reminder in September

  • Inform students in workshops you teach
  • Put up posters/notices at quilt, fabric and art stores
  • Place a prominent announcement on your website/blog
  • Send emails to quilt guilds in your area
  • Post announcements/images on Facebook pages or LinkedIn

Pam Lowe “Chiapas 3”

Annie Smith, “
Coastal Sunrise”
Mounted on wood stretcher
Claw-tooth hook on back for hanging

The funds raised in this auction benefit all SAQA members, and the more bidders we have, the more money we will raise.  Information about the auction is at SAQA News

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SAQA Membership – FAQ’s

If you happen to be a new member of Studio Art Quilt Associates or even if you are an old member, and would like to know more about SAQA and what your membership entitles you to, I invite you to check out the Frequently Asked Questions on the SAQA website.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Call for Consideration - Lark Books

 Art Quilt Portfolio – A New Series from Lark Crafts First volume in the series to be published Spring 2012
Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World
An Inspiring Collection of Art Quilts
By Martha Sielman
Lark Crafts is very pleased to announce that Martha Sielman will be authoring a new series of art quilt books. A new title will be published each year, starting in 2012. The first volume will focus on nature – animals, insects, fish, birds, microbes, flowers, trees, water, desert, icebergs – whatever inspires you about the natural world.  
Subsequent themes may include Landscapes/Cityscapes, Abstract/Geometric Art, People and Portraits, and Art with a Message.
Each volume in this new Art Quilt Portfolio series will include a Feature section, focusing on 15 to 20 artists in depth; this section will include an interview with each artist, several images of works by the featured artist, and a glimpse into each artist's studio. The books will also include a Gallery of works by 70 to 80 selected artists, with one full-page image per artist. Both Feature and Gallery artists will be chosen from this Call for Consideration. Artists who are selected for inclusion in Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World will receive full acknowledgement, a complimentary copy of the book, and the option to purchase additional copies from Lark at a discount.
This first title has a very short time frame due to publication schedules. Subsequent titles will be announced with much more notice time.
ELIGIBILITY This opportunity is open to all quilt artists. This is a Lark Crafts publication, not a Studio Art Quilt Associates publication. Complete entry instructions are on the attached document, which includes the Entry Form and the Photo License Agreement.
·     Entry is by upload only via box.net; both entry forms and images will be uploaded .
·     You may submit up to 3 entries.
·     You must also complete and and sign the Photo License Agreement, which must be mailed to Lark Crafts.
·     There is no fee for submission.
CALENDAR July 15, 2010                           Call for Consideration OPENS
August 15, 2010                     Call for Consideration DEADLINE 
September 15, 2010              Notification of acceptance via email
October 15, 2010                   Additional images and text due, if requested
May 1, 2011                             Draft completed
Spring 2012                              Book published
GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION Please use the forms for consideration as either as Feature or Gallery artist. Please read the digital photography requirements carefully and adhere to them strictly. To upload most successfully to box.net , use a fast, reliable Internet connection. Click here: LINK TO LARK CRAFTS APPLICATION FORM.
Valerie Shrader
Senior Editor, Needlearts Team, Lark Crafts
67 Broadway, Asheville, NC  28801
828/253-0467 x735
Visit our new blog @ www.larkcrafts.com!
Please note my new email address: valerie@sterlingpublishing.com

Friday, July 9, 2010

FASA-Two-day workshop with Maggie Maggio

This announcement was in error.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Calling Texas Quilters

From Karey Bresenhan

If you are a Texas quilter (living in Texas) who does pretty remarkable work (even if it's just in your own opinion!), then this message is for you. 

Nancy Puentes and I are in the final agonizing throes of selecting quilts for our third book with the University of Texas: Lone Stars--Texas Quilts Today. This will join the other two Lone Star books we've written, one covering 1836-1936 and the other covering 1936-1986. Despite the name, the books cover all types of quilts, not just Lone Stars. Texas Quilts Today will come out in the fall of 2011, to coincide with the opening of the new Texas Quilt Museum and to mark our Dequasbicentennial or the 175th anniversary of Texas' independence. (By the way, we hate that word--Dequasbicentennial--but it's the best we could find on Wikipedia, so if anybody has a good, easy to say, easy to spell alternative for 175th anniversary, boy, would we love to hear from you!)

We are looking for traditional quilts and art quilts. We already have made preliminary selections from the many wonderful pieces we have to choose from--a plethora of riches!--but we'll never be satisfied until we feel we have seen everything that's out there that might be eligible. We've reviewed more than two decades of quilts entered in IQA's annual judged show in Houston; we've reviewed many of the Texas quilts in recent special exhibits at one of our International Quilt Festivals; we have guild recommendations and have requested more...and now we are asking you. 

We cannot accept images of quilts that are Journal Quilt size--that's just too small for this book. We can accept mini-quilts, however, though they should be at least 12" on each side. Otherwise, there are no size limitations. We cannot accept garments. Workmanship will definitely be a consideration. (I know the argument that artists shouldn't have to concern themselves with workmanship...I just don't personally agree with it...and since this is Nancy's and my book, we get to make the rules!)  

If you have any particularly nice quilts that you made IN TEXAS (required), why don't you email me digital images right away? Email images to: spexhibits@gmail.com  (We are using that address because we do not want our regular emails to crash from an overabundance of incoming images. That's a problem for us, but it's a bigger problem for you if you are trying to send us an image and find it impossible.) If you made the quilt in Texas and then moved out-of-state, it's still ok to enter the quilt. But if you lived elsewhere when you made the quilt, and then moved to Texas, then it would not be eligible. Quilts must be MADE in Texas. We are looking for pieces made between 1987 and today.

We need full size and close-up shots, with the year it was made and measurements, plus  the name of the quilt, your name, and where the piece was made. Please put that information in one line to make it easy for us to copy and put under the quilt as a caption. You do need to send only your very best, because what we already have is pretty terrific. And the only promise I can make is that we will carefully consider everything that's sent to us before July 12.  Remember to use only the email address we have set up for this project:  spexhibits@gmail.com  

If there are other really, really good Texas quilters whom you know, work with, admire, etc...please help us spread the word. Suggest that they send digital images of their work to us, following the guidelines I mentioned above. Again, tell them to use the special email address: spexhibits@gmail.com 

My instinct tells me that there are super quilts out there that we are not seeing. This whole selection process is so challenging that I almost hope I am mistaken and that there are NOT these wonderful quilts out there...but I don't think I'm wrong. Remember July 12 is the deadline and spexhibits@gmail.com is the email address to use! I look forward to seeing what you send us. 

Karey Bresenhan spexhibits@gmail.com