Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SAQA 2010 Benefit Auction deadline 7/1

July 1 is the deadline for the 2010 Benefit Auction.  Scroll down on the HOME page to find instructions on how to enter. 

The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.  SAQA's Benefit Auction is our biggest fundraiser.  Last year we had donations from 235 members and raised $47,325!!!

This year's Auction will begin on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 Eastern.  Price points will again be: $750, $550, $350, $250, $150 and $75.  Unsold work will be placed on the SAQA website for a month and then returned to the artist. A preview of donations already received has been posted.  Start your shopping list.

New Texas Co-reps

Laurie Brainerd will be stepping down as a co-rep, but we have two new ones coming aboard June 1.  Thank you Laurie for getting the SAQA circles off the ground in Texas.  From what I hear, everyone is enjoying meeting and sharing with the other SAQA members in their area.

The new co-reps are Heather Pregger of  Fort Worth and Kathy Mayhew from the Dallas area.