Thursday, December 30, 2010

Member News

januaryNow that the holidays are over, I’m looking forward to getting back in the studio.  I hope you are too.

I would love to have some Member News to report for January.  If you have information about shows or exhibits in your area, mail details to Mary Ann Littlejohn.  Please include a photo and/or link if applicable.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Open Studios – San Antonio

Who: Laurie Brainerd and 15 other artists including Steven DaLuz, Louis Vega Trevino, Ben Mata, and Anna Luna, who runs Crafty Girls Workshop, a new sewing studio
What: Open Studios with refreshments, lots of art to look at, artists to talk to , and I heard mini-workshops at Crafty Girls
Where: 1100 Broadway St, San Antonio TX 78215  (at Jones 2 blocks east of San Antonio Museum of Art).  Free easy parking on Jones and Alamo
When: Saturday December 11, 2010 from noon until 8pm
Why: Fabulous art and lots going on in the area including Sabado Bazar at San Antonio Museum of Art, Art.i.cop.ia at Southwest School of Art, and something to do with Tamales at the Pearl Brewery....why not make a day of it? 
Any questions, please email Laurie Brainerd

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Critique Skills

Jane Dunnewold has an excellent essay outlining not only how to better offer a critical eye to a fellow artist, but how to specifically ask for and direct a critique you wish to receive.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SAQA-TX Mini Quilts want to travel

Our Mini Quilt Exhibit at Houston was a great success.  There were many requests to purchase them.  Karey Bressenhan has asked that we do this again next year and that they be for sale.  Details will be coming soon so you can start working toward that goal a year away.

The quilts looked great hanging behind the SAQA Booth.  If you would like to schedule these quilts as a trunk show for your fiber group, please contact a one of the Reps.  So far they are scheduled for

February 12           Caprock Art Quilters  
  March 1 - April 25     Dallas Area Fiber Artists

The schedule will be available on the right here in the blog sidebar.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SAQA “Sightlines” video with Artists

Sightlines catalog cover

Sandra Sider, the new president of SAQA, interviews artists in the “Sightlines” exhibit at Houston.  A lovely catalog of this exhibit complete with the centerfold that opens out to show all the quilts at one time is available from SAQA online. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

International Quilt Festival

Channel 2 caught Mary Ann Littlejohn for a brief interview in the Creative Force exhibit last Thursday.  You probably weren’t watching television that night, but you can still view it at

Monday, November 1, 2010

SAQA Events at Houston

Please come and meet your fellow SAQA members in the SAQA exhibition space on Thursday evening at 5:00 for a very informal meet-and-greet get-together. You can bring anyone you'd like. It will be a chance to meet other SAQA members and hear the artists speak about their work.

Please join us for gallery walks of the SAQA exhibits:
Martha Sielman will be leading a gallery walk through Creative Force 2010 on Friday at 10:30. The following artists will be there to talk about their work:    Marianne Williamson, Annie Helmericks-Louder, Kathy Nida, Leslie Jenison,   Diane Wright, and Jayne Willoughby Scott.

Sandra Sider will lead a gallery walk through Sightlines on Saturday at 10:30 and will interview the following artists about their work in the exhibit: Sue Dennis, Shelley Brenner Baird, Jayne Willoughby Scott, Kathy Nida, Pat Owoc, and Annie Helmericks-Louder.

Friday, October 29, 2010

SAQA-TX @Houston

Sharron Evans and I unpacked all the wonderful mini quilts last week and prepped them to hang on the wall behind our booth at Festival.  There are about 50 pieces. They look super - a good mix to show what we are all doing.  Thank you all for your contributions.  I think you'll be proud of our exhibit.

Look forward to seeing you there and thanks again for all the volunteers at the booth.

Friday, October 15, 2010

October Member News

Barb ForristerHouston, Texas .  Besides “Pixel Perfect” in the IQA World of Beauty (Group Quilts), she will have 4 pieces at the International Quilt Festival Special Exhibits:

BarbForrister_Treasured Waters Full copy
Beneath The Surface:
“Treasured Waters”

BarbForrister_Ruby in The Emerald Forest_29X35Full copy
West Coast Wonders:
“Ruby In The Emerald Forest

Forrister_Welcome_to_My_Garden_Full[1] Text On Textiles:
“Welcome To My Garden”

Forrister_Tranquility_full copy On Wednesday, November 3, Ami Simms will kick off the Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) where Tranquility by Barb Forrister can be purchased along with so many more wonderful art quilts. Please join the cause and help support AAQI. All profits fund Alzheimer’s research.

November 6, 2010: Quilting Arts Make It University Open Studios from 12-2 p.m. Barb Forrister will be demonstrating  how to make 3Dimensional fiber art trees at the International Quilt Festival. Should be a lot of fun!  Please stop by and say hello. I would love to meet you!

Gay Young Ousley also will have three pieces included in the AAQI exhibit:  Mnemosyne:  Goddess of Memory; Late Bloomer; and Autumn Glow. 

Houston Volunteers – Full slate

I am really getting excited about the Houston Show. The slate of volunteers is now complete with more than two weeks to Festival. Thank you all. Even if you aren’t volunteering please come by and visit.  Remember there will be a  SAQA Meet and Greet Thursday at 5:00 at the booth. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SAQA-TX @Houston 2010 – NEW DEADLINE

looking forward to receiving more. If you need a couple more days, you have time to keep working on them.

We’re extending the RECEIVED BY deadline through Saturday, October 23.

If you have any questions please email Mary Ann Littlejohn.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Auction Part 3 – Starts at 1 CST today

SchlagerT         Norma Schaller
     Gray Study

GrantT        A Carole Grant

Carver - Insolation            Diane Carver

There are still some wonderful quilts available, including pieces by by all 4 SAQA presidents.

Page 3a -
Page 3b -

Thursday, September 30, 2010

IQF-Houston: Meet and Greet

If you're going to IQF-Houston, please meet your fellow SAQA members in the SAQA exhibition space on Thursday evening at 5:00 for a meet-and-greet get-together.

If you will be in Houston and have a piece in either "Sightlines" or "Creative Force 2010," please let Martha Sielman know (  She will be organizing gallery walks on Friday and Saturday at 10:30 and would like to have you be a part of one or both and to speak about your work.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

SAQA/SDA Joint Meeting rescheduled

The state-wide Surface Design Associates (SDA) meeting on October 16 at Jane Dunnewold’s studio in San Antonio has been reset and rescheduled due to illness in Jane’s family.
Mary Ruth Smith has offered to host the SDA meeting in WACO:
Saturday, October 23
1:00-3:00 pm
Lewis Art Building – Rm. 151
Baylor University
SAQA members (statewide) are invited to attend along with SDA.  Among other things, we want to talk about more synergy with the two groups.
* * * * *
If you are wondering what to do in Waco before and after the meeting, here are some exhibitions you might want to view.
The Martin Museum of Art (located in the Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center)":
1.  " Soliloquies" paintings by Japanese painter, Makoto Fujimura.  His paintings are influenced by the 17th Century  decorative screen tradition called Rimpa.
2.  Photographs by Dornith Doherty, a contemporary photographer and Professor of Art at UNT.
Across University Parks Drive from the Hooper Schaefer Fine Arts Center is the Mayborn Museum Complex.  Featured is the "Sacred Texts, Holy Images: Rouault's Miserere and Chagall's Bible Series Exhibit.
Waco has a new commercial fine arts gallery. The Croft Art Gallery.  The exhibition for October will feature the beaded constructions by Leah Force, a Lecturer of Art at Baylor and sculpture pieces by Chuck Jobe, an art studio technician at Baylor.  Leah's intricate pieces are akin to Mary Ruth Smith's French knotted pieces.  They are heavily beaded with very tiny seed bead, each appearing to be a stitched knot.   Mary Ruth will see if Leah could do a talk about her work at the Gallery after the meeting.
Patrick Dougherty, "stick artist" , will be in Waco in October installing 3 sick weavings along the Brazos River in Cameron Park. Google his name and view his amazing work.

Monday, September 27, 2010

2nd Phase of SAQA Benefit Auction Opens Today

We’ve raised $15,650 for SAQA so far.

Fitzsimmons - You’re a Square Gilbert - Winter Mood Pollock - Petal Study

Tommy Fitzsimmons
You’re a Square

Monique Gilbert-Oversteyns
Winter Mood

Jeri C. Pollock
Petal Study

Phase 2 of the Auction pieces will begin Monday, September 27th at 1:00 PM Central.

Opening bid price is $750

Page 2a -
Page 2b -

Monday, September 20, 2010

Member News: October

PAM LOWE has a solo show coming up at
Uptown Blanco Art Center
October 1 thru 31, 2010
The opening reception is Fri Oct 1st  5-7 pm
It sure would be nice to see some local SAQA members there.

PamLowe_blanco ad

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Slideshow of ALL 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction Quilts

Kate Themel, Connecticut Region Co-Rep, has put together a slideshow of ALL the 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction quilts, complete with the names of the artists.  Thank you Kate.  Pick out your favorites and be ready when the auction starts at 2:00pm Eastern Time tomorrow, September 20.

The auction this week will be the quilts on page 1a and 1b with the opening bid tomorrow at $750.  The bid price will decrease each day for the remaining pieces.

SAQA-TX @Houston 2010

Thank all you Texas quilters who are sending mini-quilts for the SAQA Booth at Houston.  We now have about 45 coming, which should make a great exhibit.  We will only have the flat wall behind the booth this year to hang things them on.  After we fill the wall, we will trade out quilts daily so that they are all shown.

If you didn’t get or can’t find the Guidelines and Shipping Instructions, they have been posted to SAQA-Texas Regional Page

Friday, September 17, 2010

How the auction and bidding form work

To help you get ready to bid in SAQA's 2010 Benefit Auction starting September 20th:
the bidding form has been posted, so that you can see how the Auction works. The form will go live on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 PM Eastern.
Only the pieces on page 1a and 1b will be available for bidding on the 20th. The opening bid price will be $750.
Kicklighter - A Balancing Act Patricia S. Kicklighter
Clover - Urban Notes II        Jetta Clover

Monday, September 6, 2010

2010 SAQA Benefit Auction - Starts September 20th

Anna HergertKeeney_PegTanya Brown-PaisleyFish

Over 280 pieces have been donated to the 2010 SAQA Benefit Auction.  The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.  SAQA's Benefit Auction is our biggest fundraiser.  Last year we had donations from 235 members and raised $47,325!!!
This year's Auction will begin on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 Eastern.  Price points will again be: $750, $550, $350, $250, $150 and $75.  Unsold work will be placed on the SAQA website for a month and then returned to the artist.

I’ve selected a few of my favorites to whet your appetite.

Diane Marie Chaudiere MarthaWolfe_Hollyhocks at the Santa Fe Museum of Art     Grisdela

Saturday, September 4, 2010

SAQA Booth @ IQF Houston Volunteers

2010 IQF Logo Volunteers are needed for the SAQA booth at Festival in Houston.  Can you spare an hour or two?  Please check your schedule and join us.  It is a great time to meet members and network.

We need at least two people in the booth at all time slots.  The times that are empty or thin are highlighted in blue.   Let's work together to have a great representation of members working the booth at Festival! 

If you work a 2-hour shift, you will get in the show free on the day you work and working 6 hours will entitle you to early registration next year!  So, email Mary Ann at ASAP to get the shift or shifts that you desire. 


Friday, September 3, 2010

Houston Deadline Approaches: 9/15/2010

It isn't too late!

Let Mary Ann Littlejohn know no later than September 15th if you will be submitting a 9" x 12" for the SAQA Booth in Houston .

More info here:

and here:

Saturday, August 28, 2010

SAQA Website Tools

Here's one more reason for joining - AND for making sure all of our members have registered on the SAQA website.

Have you been on SAQA-U lately?

SAQA-U is a centralized knowledge center, with resources gathered by and for SAQA members. It is dedicated to the professional development of the quilting artist by providing guidance, education, resources and information in the areas of: Art (including Textile History, Theory & Biography), Business & Marketing, Education, Resources, and Technology.

One small part of SAQA-U is an encyclopedia of fiber artists - SAQA members (regular or PAM) or not, past and present.

Click here to help build the Index. Add yourself and/or other artists to the list. Please check the index prior to creating a new page as there may be a page already created referencing your name. You can use your entry as a wiki profile, and you can add information for those already on the list.

So, log in and explore!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

6th Biennial Quilt Show - Fredericksburg TX

News from SAQA Member Jackie Heupel:

The Vereins Quilt Guild of Fredericksburg is holding their 6th Biennial Quilt Show on September 3-5th, 2010. The theme of the show is "Stitches from the Heart".

For more information, click here.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Call for Entries: “SAQA Texas @ Houston 2010”

All Texas members of SAQA are invited to exhibit one or more mini-quilts in an exhibit to hang behind the SAQA Booth at IQF-Houston. The booth is right outside the SAQA “Creative Force 2010” and “Sightlines” exhibits, which will draw a lot of visitors.

This is a showcase for Texas SAQA members. There is no specific theme. It is your choice. This is your chance to get your work seen by up to 50,000 visitors to the Houston show.

After Quilt Festival, the exhibit will circulate around TX to the SAQA Circle meetings, and other Fiber Artists groups.

If you are able to send more than one, the merrier. Should we not be able to hang all at one time, they will be rotated in and out through the days of Quilt Festival.

Entry Fee: $5 to cover return shipping

Size: 9 x 12 – Portrait
A hanging sleeve is not required, but if you already have one on your work, that is okay.

Important Dates:
September 15 Email your intent
October 15 Deadline for receipt of quilts
November 3 Preview night for IQF
November 4-7 Houston Show

NOTIFY: To get an idea of how many quilts to expect, please email your intent to Mary Ann Littlejohn by September 15.

Guidelines are available on the SAQA Wiki.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

SAQA-Victoria/Coastal Crossroads – New Circle Forming

Gail Dentler is organizing a new SAQA circle in her area.  The first meeting is August 19 @ 10:00, at her home in Victoria TX.  For further details, contact Gail by at gaildentler@gmail(dot)com.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

North TX Gathering

Save the Date! North TX members of SAQA will be gathering on Saturday, August 21, 2010. More details to come on the SAQA Members' Wiki. Guests are welcome! Please contact a co-rep for additional information.

Also, please note the new link for the SAQA North TX Google Group. We're giving these tools a try for conversations, planning, and general discussion... so come on over.

Update: We will be gathering from 10am to 2pm.

Friday, July 23, 2010

SAQA-Tx at IQF Long Beach

Many Texas members are represented at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach this month.


Treasured Waters is one of the quilts featured on IQF Festival at Home Beneath The Surface special exhibit

Ruby In The Emerald Forest is part of West Coast Wonders special exhibit and can also be seen on IQF Festival at Home

SAQA's Benefit Auction 2010

A big thank you to all our members who contributed pieces to the auction!

Kathy York, “Safe Home”

clip_image004Deborah Boschert, “Possibilities

If you weren't able to send in a piece, you can still contribute in another way:

Send out announcements about the auction to everyone on your email list - now, and then a reminder in September

  • Inform students in workshops you teach
  • Put up posters/notices at quilt, fabric and art stores
  • Place a prominent announcement on your website/blog
  • Send emails to quilt guilds in your area
  • Post announcements/images on Facebook pages or LinkedIn

Pam Lowe “Chiapas 3”

Annie Smith, “
Coastal Sunrise”
Mounted on wood stretcher
Claw-tooth hook on back for hanging

The funds raised in this auction benefit all SAQA members, and the more bidders we have, the more money we will raise.  Information about the auction is at SAQA News

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SAQA Membership – FAQ’s

If you happen to be a new member of Studio Art Quilt Associates or even if you are an old member, and would like to know more about SAQA and what your membership entitles you to, I invite you to check out the Frequently Asked Questions on the SAQA website.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Call for Consideration - Lark Books

 Art Quilt Portfolio – A New Series from Lark Crafts First volume in the series to be published Spring 2012
Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World
An Inspiring Collection of Art Quilts
By Martha Sielman
Lark Crafts is very pleased to announce that Martha Sielman will be authoring a new series of art quilt books. A new title will be published each year, starting in 2012. The first volume will focus on nature – animals, insects, fish, birds, microbes, flowers, trees, water, desert, icebergs – whatever inspires you about the natural world.  
Subsequent themes may include Landscapes/Cityscapes, Abstract/Geometric Art, People and Portraits, and Art with a Message.
Each volume in this new Art Quilt Portfolio series will include a Feature section, focusing on 15 to 20 artists in depth; this section will include an interview with each artist, several images of works by the featured artist, and a glimpse into each artist's studio. The books will also include a Gallery of works by 70 to 80 selected artists, with one full-page image per artist. Both Feature and Gallery artists will be chosen from this Call for Consideration. Artists who are selected for inclusion in Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World will receive full acknowledgement, a complimentary copy of the book, and the option to purchase additional copies from Lark at a discount.
This first title has a very short time frame due to publication schedules. Subsequent titles will be announced with much more notice time.
ELIGIBILITY This opportunity is open to all quilt artists. This is a Lark Crafts publication, not a Studio Art Quilt Associates publication. Complete entry instructions are on the attached document, which includes the Entry Form and the Photo License Agreement.
·     Entry is by upload only via; both entry forms and images will be uploaded .
·     You may submit up to 3 entries.
·     You must also complete and and sign the Photo License Agreement, which must be mailed to Lark Crafts.
·     There is no fee for submission.
CALENDAR July 15, 2010                           Call for Consideration OPENS
August 15, 2010                     Call for Consideration DEADLINE 
September 15, 2010              Notification of acceptance via email
October 15, 2010                   Additional images and text due, if requested
May 1, 2011                             Draft completed
Spring 2012                              Book published
GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION Please use the forms for consideration as either as Feature or Gallery artist. Please read the digital photography requirements carefully and adhere to them strictly. To upload most successfully to , use a fast, reliable Internet connection. Click here: LINK TO LARK CRAFTS APPLICATION FORM.
Valerie Shrader
Senior Editor, Needlearts Team, Lark Crafts
67 Broadway, Asheville, NC  28801
828/253-0467 x735
Visit our new blog @!
Please note my new email address:

Friday, July 9, 2010

FASA-Two-day workshop with Maggie Maggio

This announcement was in error.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Calling Texas Quilters

From Karey Bresenhan

If you are a Texas quilter (living in Texas) who does pretty remarkable work (even if it's just in your own opinion!), then this message is for you. 

Nancy Puentes and I are in the final agonizing throes of selecting quilts for our third book with the University of Texas: Lone Stars--Texas Quilts Today. This will join the other two Lone Star books we've written, one covering 1836-1936 and the other covering 1936-1986. Despite the name, the books cover all types of quilts, not just Lone Stars. Texas Quilts Today will come out in the fall of 2011, to coincide with the opening of the new Texas Quilt Museum and to mark our Dequasbicentennial or the 175th anniversary of Texas' independence. (By the way, we hate that word--Dequasbicentennial--but it's the best we could find on Wikipedia, so if anybody has a good, easy to say, easy to spell alternative for 175th anniversary, boy, would we love to hear from you!)

We are looking for traditional quilts and art quilts. We already have made preliminary selections from the many wonderful pieces we have to choose from--a plethora of riches!--but we'll never be satisfied until we feel we have seen everything that's out there that might be eligible. We've reviewed more than two decades of quilts entered in IQA's annual judged show in Houston; we've reviewed many of the Texas quilts in recent special exhibits at one of our International Quilt Festivals; we have guild recommendations and have requested more...and now we are asking you. 

We cannot accept images of quilts that are Journal Quilt size--that's just too small for this book. We can accept mini-quilts, however, though they should be at least 12" on each side. Otherwise, there are no size limitations. We cannot accept garments. Workmanship will definitely be a consideration. (I know the argument that artists shouldn't have to concern themselves with workmanship...I just don't personally agree with it...and since this is Nancy's and my book, we get to make the rules!)  

If you have any particularly nice quilts that you made IN TEXAS (required), why don't you email me digital images right away? Email images to:  (We are using that address because we do not want our regular emails to crash from an overabundance of incoming images. That's a problem for us, but it's a bigger problem for you if you are trying to send us an image and find it impossible.) If you made the quilt in Texas and then moved out-of-state, it's still ok to enter the quilt. But if you lived elsewhere when you made the quilt, and then moved to Texas, then it would not be eligible. Quilts must be MADE in Texas. We are looking for pieces made between 1987 and today.

We need full size and close-up shots, with the year it was made and measurements, plus  the name of the quilt, your name, and where the piece was made. Please put that information in one line to make it easy for us to copy and put under the quilt as a caption. You do need to send only your very best, because what we already have is pretty terrific. And the only promise I can make is that we will carefully consider everything that's sent to us before July 12.  Remember to use only the email address we have set up for this project:  

If there are other really, really good Texas quilters whom you know, work with, admire, etc...please help us spread the word. Suggest that they send digital images of their work to us, following the guidelines I mentioned above. Again, tell them to use the special email address: 

My instinct tells me that there are super quilts out there that we are not seeing. This whole selection process is so challenging that I almost hope I am mistaken and that there are NOT these wonderful quilts out there...but I don't think I'm wrong. Remember July 12 is the deadline and is the email address to use! I look forward to seeing what you send us. 

Karey Bresenhan 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SAQA 2010 Benefit Auction deadline 7/1

July 1 is the deadline for the 2010 Benefit Auction.  Scroll down on the HOME page to find instructions on how to enter. 

The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.  SAQA's Benefit Auction is our biggest fundraiser.  Last year we had donations from 235 members and raised $47,325!!!

This year's Auction will begin on Monday, September 20th at 2:00 Eastern.  Price points will again be: $750, $550, $350, $250, $150 and $75.  Unsold work will be placed on the SAQA website for a month and then returned to the artist. A preview of donations already received has been posted.  Start your shopping list.

New Texas Co-reps

Laurie Brainerd will be stepping down as a co-rep, but we have two new ones coming aboard June 1.  Thank you Laurie for getting the SAQA circles off the ground in Texas.  From what I hear, everyone is enjoying meeting and sharing with the other SAQA members in their area.

The new co-reps are Heather Pregger of  Fort Worth and Kathy Mayhew from the Dallas area.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

ArtQuilt Elements 2010

imageThe Textile Blog has an excellent review and photos of the recently opened SAQA exhibit ArtQuilt Elements 2010.   A regional SAQA conference was held in conjunction with the opening of this exhibit. 

Catalogs in PDF format can be ordered from the Art Quilt Elements official website.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Houston Area Fiber Artists – Fashion Show & Stash Sale

 The Houston Area Fiber Artists
Are once again hosting the Fiber event of the Year!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
At the HESS Club, 5430 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77056
Fashion Show and Luncheon 11:00 – 1:00
Boutique and Artist’s Stash Sale 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.2010 Style Show Logo

Tickets for the Fashion Show and Luncheon are $45.00
Boutique and Stash Sale are free admission
For Fashion Show and Luncheon Tickets:

Send SASE to:
3139 W. Holcombe Blvd #260
Houston, TX 77025
or go to

Monday, March 22, 2010

No Place to Call Home

Patricia Gould asked that we pass on this information to members in our Region about an exhibition opportunity.

Theme: Homelessness exists all around the world. There are a myriad of
conditions that result in homelessness: poverty, unemployment, lack of
education, drug addiction, abandonment, mental illness, war and civil unrest,
along with man-made and natural disasters. This exhibit is taking a look at
homelessness in all its implications.

Curator: Kathleen McCabe
250 H Avenue
Coronado, CA 92118

Eligibility and Guidelines:
• Entry is by digital images only (directions below).
• You may submit up to 3 entries.
• Quilts must be created after 2005 and not shown in a previous SAQA exhibition.
• Entries must be 24" - 40" width, and 48" maximum in length
• 3-D, free-standing works will NOT be accepted.
• Artwork must meet the SAQA definition of an art quilt: a contemporary artwork
exploring and expressing aesthetic concerns common to the whole range of visual
arts: painting, printmaking, photography, graphic design, assemblage and
sculpture, which retains, through materials or technique, a clear relationship to the
folk art quilt from which it descends.
• Artists are responsible for shipping and insurance to Kathleen McCabe in
Coronado, CA and for return shipping to their homes from the last venue. SAQA
will arrange to insure the artwork during the exhibitions and while it travels.
• Artwork MAY be for sale. SAQA will charge a 25% commission on all sales;
exhibiting venues may also charge a commission, but total commission will never
exceed 50%.
• Work MUST be available to travel for up to a year. Travel details to follow.
March 1, 2010 Call for entry
May 20 - June 20, 2010 Online entry open
June 20, 2010 Online Entry Deadline at 11:59 pm EST
June 25 - 30, 2010 Selection Process
June 30, 2010 Notification of acceptance
(All notifications will be forwarded via email)
July 25, 2010 Artwork to be RECEIVED in Coronado, CA
August 1, 2010 Quilts shipped to Manchester, NH
August 19, 2010 Exhibit opening
May 1, 2011 Exhibit closing
June 1, 2011 Return of work to Artists unless more venues are

During the online registration process (which will be open May 20, 2010) you will
be asked to provide artist information, a description of each piece and to upload
digital images: here is a checklist of what you will need to provide:
Artist Information:
Artist’s First Name:
Artist’s Last Name:
Address (street):
City/Postal Code/Country:
Phone (include country code):
Digital Images:
• Submit one overall DIGITAL image and one detail DIGITAL image for each
piece of artwork.

• Save your digital images as a high quality JPEG file (No TIFF files).
Finished image should be 1800 pixels on the longest side.
• Label each digital image with first 1-3 words of the artwork title, no spaces and
no punctuation and indicate if detail or full. Examples: ScarabbbeetleFull.jpg or

Information about each piece:
Artist’s statement (25 words or less)
Size: height x width, in inches
Year Completed:
Total Sale Price in Dollars (if for sale):
Insurance Value in Dollars:
Materials and Techniques (25 words or less)

You will be asked to agree with these Terms and Conditions:
I agree to loan my artwork to Studio Art Quit Associates, Inc. I understand that
the costs of insuring and shipping my artwork are my responsibility: I further
agree to permit the images of details image and/or all or part of my artist’s
statement to be used in the exhibit catalog, articles, ads, promotions, books,
websites, blogs, CD’s, current event news coverage, television productions,
and/or multi-media productions for and about exhibit or for and about the shows
at which the exhibit may be seen.

Fee: US$30 (22 €) for entry of up to 3 pieces. Members must pay their fees using
a credit card (Visa, Mastercard or American Express) though the SAQA website: – scroll down to the bottom of the page to “buy” a Jury Fee for
International Members.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Large Inventory of Fabrics for Sale

Cynthia Holmes is liquidating her massive fabric collection. It contains 20 book size boxes of silks, velvets, brocades, cottons and other assorted elegant fabrics in all colors. All were picked by hand and were used in crazy quilting. She is selling as one lot, not a piece at a time, for $1000. She can be reached at 361-947-5091.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Houston Circle Meeting CANCELLED

The Houston Circle meeting scheduled for March 13 has been cancelled due to many schedule conflicts.  The next meeting will be May 8, at which time Annie Smith will demonstrate her nifty gallery wrap technique.

Saturday, February 20, 2010



Location:  Tokyo Electron America
               2400 Grove Blvd.  
               Austin, TX  78741
               (Grove runs off Montopolis Ave. in southeast Austin)
Dates:      Opening Reception - February 24, 2010 - 6:00 - 8:00 pm
                Exhibit can be viewed thru April 1, 2010 each weekday, M-F, from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ruthie Powers Workshop – Houston

Ruthie Power-sampleHouston Area Fiber Artists
  with  Ruthie Powers 
Saturday, March 13, 2010 
9 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Bayland Community Center
6400 Bissonnet , Houston, TX 77074
$40/50 (members/non-members) Workshop Fee
$20 Materials Fee (incl. 3 yds. PFD Cotton)
We will use various printing techniques to dye cotton fabric, including stamping with sponges, rubber stamps(including some large format of her own design) and household items to create patterns in multiple colors and layers. You will end up with a bag of fabric to take home
to "batch" overnight, then wash out in the morning.
This workshop is great for those who have never dyed as well as more experienced dyers who want to learn new techniques with a group. We will play and have fun.  
At the workshop, Ruthie will have cotton PFD (prepared for dyeing) fabric in two weaves for $5.00 per yard, plus some silk scarves at cost.    

For samples of her work see her blog at         
Her rubber stamps can be seen at  
To sign up for this workshop or more information, email Mary Ann Littlejohn at .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

MEMBER NEWS - February

The “Art in Fiber” exhibit at the Copper Shade Tree Gallery in Round Top opens Friday night , February 5, at 5:00pm.  The exhibit consists of over 90 pieces by 23 Texas artists, many of whom are SAQA members.
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LOGGERHEAD -Gay Young Ousley
Quilting Florida Natural ll opens this weekend at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville, Florida.  The show hangs until April 25 and includes a piece by Gay Young Ousley entitled LOGGERHEAD.   Each quilt in the show depicts some element of Florida's environment.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Susie Monday was recently published in the November-December issue of Quilting Arts magazine with an article about printing fabric using water soluble media and polymer medium. Susie has also been invited to be part of the next season of taping for the PBS Quilting Arts television series which will go into production this March in the Cleveland production studio.

SusieMonday_Jan09Sample from Quilting Arts article on water-soluble
media  screen-printing by Susie Monday