Tuesday, March 29, 2016

September Art Quilt Workshop in New York with Dr. Sandra Sider

Dr. Sandra Sider, Curator of the Texas Quilt Museum, is holding a workshop in Stony Point, New York (about 1 hour drive north of Manhattan).

Creativity Workshop: Art Quilt Inspirations

September 25-29, 2016 (Sunday - Friday)

This workshop is based on the principles of art and design developed in Sandra Sider’s critique workshops and written about in the volumes of her Studio Quilt monograph series and illustrated in her new book 1000 Quilt Inspirations. Limited to a maximum of twelve participants, the workshop will allow Sandra to spend considerable amounts of time each day working one-on-one with quilters, evaluating their work and suggesting possible directions for developing each quilt. She will also teach the basics of monotype printing, stamp printing, and photo transfer, as well as cyanotype on fabric if we have a sunny day. The final morning will consist of critiques, with participants sharing and discussing their works in progress.

Quilters should bring materials to begin a new quilt top, their sewing supplies and tools, a sewing machine and an iron. Class is suitable for all levels of quilters, but excellent sewing skills and expertise with one's sewing machine is a must.

Tuition for the week is $500. There is also a materials fee of $40. Total cost is dependent on the lodging selected, from $450 to $775. It does include all meals.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Manipulating Fabric in March for Fun

The Houston group had a great meeting on March 12, 2016. Started off with extended show & tell. Always cool to see what this talented group of art quilters is working on!

Penny Hurst led a workshop on fabric manipulation. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon. Thank you Penny for volunteering to lead this!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Quilts For Our Texas Region Trunk Show

Thank you to Hope Wilmarth (Spring), Katrina Wright (Abeline) and Gail Dentler (Victoria) for your new submissions to our Texas Region 12x12 Trunk Show!

A big thank you also goes out to Kelly Allen (Luling) who helped us get the trunk show into the Texas Art League in Luling. The quilts will be on display March 27 - May 31. Our Central Texas Circle meeting will be at the TAL on May 14 -- it's a great opportunity for you to see the quilts and catchup with your SAQA fiber friends.

I'll also be giving a talk about the quilts & SAQA at the Greater Houston Guild's meeting on Friday, March 18.

The Call for Entries for our trunk show is open and ongoing...there is no deadline to submit a piece to be added to the collection. Click here to download the prospectus and entry form.

Tres Amigos
by Hope Wilmarth

The End of the Day
by Katrina Wright

Afloat on the Llano River
by Gail Dentler

Kim Buchmann
Texas Region Co-Rep