Sunday, November 16, 2014

SAQA North Texas Meeting Report

Twenty-three members attended the North Texas Meeting on Saturday, November 15, and a wonderful time was had by all!  

We had a really fabulous show and tell.  Members shared their latest work, and several shared samples from workshops taken during IQF Houston and at Art Quilt Tahoe.  Deborah Boschert presented a slide show of quilts from "Celebrating Silver".  I can't speak for everyone, but I left the meeting feeling very inspired!

Meeting dates for 2015 will be:

January 17
April 18
August 15
November 21


Sunday, November 9, 2014

SAQA Houston November Meeting Report

There is nothing like the International Quilt Festival to get the creative juices flowing.  Although Festival ended just 5 days prior, 25 members and visitors of the the Houston SAQA Circle met on Saturday, November 8.  Mary Ann Littlejohn and Hope Wilmarth presented a workshop on monoprinting with a gelatin plate. It was great fun to try a new technique and create just for the joy of creating.  Thank you Mary Ann and Hope for a great workshop.

Mark your calendars now for the January 10, 2015 meeting.  Teresa Duryea Wong will tell us about her trip to Japan and research for her upcoming book "Japanese Quilts and Quilters".  I encourage you to visit her blog and learn more about her journey as a quilter. 

The Houston Circle meets every other month on the 2nd Saturday.  Next year's meeting dates are: January 10March 14May 9July 11,September 12 and November 14.

See you in January!

Suzan Engler
Texas Co-Rep

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

North Texas Circle Meeting NOVEMBER 15TH

The  North Texas Circle will meet on November 15th at 10 am at

November 15, 10 am, at Petit Atelier, 2952 Commerce St, Dallas, Texas 75226

We will have a group discussion about Houston. We'll discuss our favorite (and least favorite!) quilts, how we were inspired and what other parts of the Festival experience we enjoyed.  We'll also look at the quilts chosen for SAQA's two new exhibits -- Redirecting the Ordinary and Celebrating Silver.

For those who went to International Quilt Festival, it's a chance to share your experiences.  For those who didn't, it's a chance to see some of the highlights.

And please bring your latest pieces for Show and Tell!

We'll got to lunch after the meeting at one of the great restaurants in Deep Ellum.

See you there!  