Saturday, September 8, 2012

HAFA Focus on Fiber 2012

Multiple SAQA members are included in this exhibit!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Report from the Caprock Circle

Ten members and one visitor met Saturday, Aug 25 in Wolfforth, Texas (near Lubbock).  Denise Bean found us through the SAQA email and is now our newest member.
Our morning workshop was Inklique facilitated by Cinde Ebling.  We each brought a photo and, using a light box and many colored pencils, drew our photo onto cloth.  What a great way to add art to our art.
We have had several shows this spring and summer and they have all been well received.  Our quilts finally all came home and now we are getting ready for the Ogallala Quilt Show in Dimmitt in April where we are the featured guild.  Many thanks to Valerie Hill and Linda Fisher for their pickup and deliveries at the different venues.
Other area shows: Portales NM Oct 18-21 Ellie Kreneck is the featured quilter,
Roswell, NM Quilt Show  Sept 21-22
Ogallala Ceta Canyon Retreat  Sept 21-23  a weekend of sewing, eating and friendship
Donniece Smith was featured for our Life and Quilts of....  It's always great to understand and artist's motivation and inspiration.
Muff and I then shared photos of Italy and the quilts we made in the studio of Averil Stuart-Head at the Abruzzo School of Creative Art or  We will present a workshop at our next meeting, Nov 10th on some of the techniques we learned there.
Keep Quilting, Jean Grimes