Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Reminder - Houston Circle July Meeting

Date:  July 14, 2012

Time: 10:30 - 2:00

Location: Ginny Eckley's Studio, 2423 Kings Forest Dr, Kingwood TX 77339

July Topic:  Design Principles and Elements

The meeting topic will be Design Principles and Elements.  We will use SAQA PAM artwork to discuss the various principles/elements and how to use them when designing artwork.   Anyone who wants to bring their artwork for discussion is welcome to do so but it is certainly not required.  Don't forget to bring your lunch.

We will also discuss ideas for future meetings so give some thought to what you would like to do and/or learn in coming months.  Visitors are welcomed at our meetings so bring along any friends that might be interested in learning more about SAQA.

Please RSVP to houstonsaqa@gmail.com if you are planning to attend!  It is vacation season and I want to ensure that we will have a quorum.

Hope to see you all there,

Suzan Engler
Texas Co-Representative

Upcoming Events/Deadlines
July 1- October 31, 2012 - Entry Period - QuiltCon (www.quiltcon.com)

August 1-23, 2012 - Austin Fiber Artists Show "Fiber: Not Your Grandmother's Quilt" - Arts of Rural Texas' Ross Gallery, Fayetteville, TX

August 30, 2012 - Registration opens for QuiltCon (www.quiltcon.com)

September 8, 2012 - Houston Circle Meeting - Host/topic TBD.

November 10, 2012 - Houston Circle Meeting  - Host/topic TBD.

April 25-28, 2013 - SAQA Conference, Santa Fe, NM