A new SAQA Circle has begun in the Texas Panhandle! They met on February 11 and go by the name CAPROCK ART QUILTERS. Muff Fregia led the morning workshop on silk screen printing. After lunch and a business meeting, there was show and tell/critique of current work and a viewing of SAQA "This is a Quilt" Trunk F.
The initial members of this group have been meeting for some time as a general art quilt group, and were challenged a year ago to create 2-sided pieces approximately 18"x96", with the theme Textured Earth & Sky. These exciting pieces of art will be hung as a group at two shows this year.
NEXT MEETING May 12. The morning workshop will be deconstructed screen printing and the afternoon will feature the works of Ellie Kreneck. For more details and directions, contact: Jean Grimes - jean@grimesengineering.com
SHOW - "Free Range Stitchint" opens at South Plains College on March 19; artist reception April 1
OGALLALA QUILT SHOW - Ogallala Quilt Society April 12 & 13, Dimmit, Texas
EXHIBIT - "Art Quilts of Caprock Art Quilters" - June, at Louise Underwood Center, Lubbock, Texas
EXHIBIT - "Small Art Quilts of Caprock Art Quilters" - July, at Mahob Library, Lubbock, Texas
The initial members of this group have been meeting for some time as a general art quilt group, and were challenged a year ago to create 2-sided pieces approximately 18"x96", with the theme Textured Earth & Sky. These exciting pieces of art will be hung as a group at two shows this year.
NEXT MEETING May 12. The morning workshop will be deconstructed screen printing and the afternoon will feature the works of Ellie Kreneck. For more details and directions, contact: Jean Grimes - jean@grimesengineering.com
SHOW - "Free Range Stitchint" opens at South Plains College on March 19; artist reception April 1
OGALLALA QUILT SHOW - Ogallala Quilt Society April 12 & 13, Dimmit, Texas
EXHIBIT - "Art Quilts of Caprock Art Quilters" - June, at Louise Underwood Center, Lubbock, Texas
EXHIBIT - "Small Art Quilts of Caprock Art Quilters" - July, at Mahob Library, Lubbock, Texas